Start by choosing from our 100+ beginner and intermediate topics
Start by choosing from our 100+ beginner and intermediate topics
Free Spanish lessons at
Learn your topic with our free and easy to use Spanish lessons
Play Spanish language games to learn or revise Spanish
Choose from 13 free games to play and learn with any topic

Learn Spanish free online

Spanish Games is a free online resource for beginners learning Spanish and offers a complete set of Spanish lessons, practice Spanish games and quick Spanish tests for over 100 Spanish topics, all free. Use the options in the box below to learn or revise any topic with any activity.

Spanish lessons at Spanish Games

Start your visit to Spanish Games with the Spanish Lesson for your chosen topic. Each of our 100+ lessons consists of an introduction to the topic language and 3 lesson activities - a yes/no activity, an either/or activity and a multiple choice activity. During the introduction to the topic, it is important that you repeat the audio after you hear it, and write down the texts to help your memory absorb both the sound and look of that language. - Either / or lesson activity

The 3 lesson activities are graded from easy to more difficult. As you work your way through them, you will find that your grasp and retention of the target language gradually improves. By the time you have completed the whole lesson, you should be able to recall and repeat the vocabulary for each of the topic items without prompting.

Games to practice Spanish

There are 13 free games you can use to practice the Spanish topic you are learning at Spanish Games. The games are quick and simple to play and improve language retention by excercising different areas of the brain. Try a variety of games for the best results! The games are free to use and work on both tablets (including iPads) and desktop computers.

Spanish tests at

Complete your topic learning session by taking our 2 tests - a multiple choice test and a writing test. These will confirm that you have fully grasped and are able to reproduce the Spanish you have learnt by doing the lesson and playing the games. - Writing test

The writing test is harder than the multiple choice but is important if you wish to be able to write Spanish as well as speaking it! As you can see from the screenshot, there is a Help button if you get stuck...

How to use Spanish Games

To start using Spanish Games click here or on the "Start" button at the top of the page.

Start by choosing from our 100+ beginner and intermediate topics     Free Spanish lessons at     Play Spanish language games to learn or revise Spanish

On the Start page you choose the first topic you want to learn. Once you have chosen a topic you will go straight to the lessons - there is an introduction to the language, a yes/no activity, an either/or activity and a multiple choice activity. Once you have worked through these lesson activities, play a few games to reinforce the Spanish for your selected topic. Then finally try our two tests - multiple choice and writing - to make sure you have learnt the language correctly.

If you are a parent, you may want to check out our parents page for more information on how your child should use Spanish Games to enhance their Spanish language learning. There is also an FAQ page with more information on Spanish Games.

We also have a YouTube channel for Spanish learners with lots of video tutorials!

Who is this website for?

Spanish Games is for kids (and the parents of kids) and young adults who need or want to learn Spanish as a second language.


You might be starting to learn Spanish for the first time, or you may need to reinforce what you are learning at school or with your tutor with additional lessons and games. If you are between five and fifty (or twenty five anyway), try out Spanish Games and make your Spanish learning a great way to spend some time.

If you have any comments or suggestions, get in touch on our Contact page.

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