Family - members
Family - my siblings
Body - parts of the body
Body - the head
Body - hair colour and style
People - portraits
People - appearance
People - clothes 1
People - clothes 2
People - jobs
People - health problems
Animals - pets
Animals - farm
Activity - daily routine
Activity - hobbies
Activity - sports
Activity - holidays
Food - fruit
Food - vegetables
Food - groceries
Food - restaurant
Food - drinks and snacks
Home - my room
Home - rooms in the house
Home - helping at home 1
Home - helping at home 2
Home - in the garden
School - classroom objects
School - subjects
School - activities
Place - where I live
Place - homes
Place - shops
Place - meeting places
Place - places in town
Go - means of transport
Go - on holiday
Go - which way?
Go - where?
World - European countries
World - environment
World - weather
Time - what time is it?
Time - spring and summer
Time - autumn and winter
Numbers - 1 to 10
Numbers - 11 to 20
Numbers - to 100 (1)
Numbers - to 100 (2)
Grammar - adjectives 1
Grammar - adjectives 2
Grammar - verbs 1
Grammar - verbs 2
Grammar - prepositions 1
Grammar - prepositions 2
Match pictures to texts to win 4 cells in a row from a grid of 20 cells.
Four in a row is similar to the paper game "noughts and crosses" but we have changed it into a one person Latin American Spanish learning / revision game. The aim of the game is to win 4 cells in a row from a grid of 20 cells by selecting and naming pictures in Latin American Spanish. The game will reinforce your memory of the Latin American Spanish vocabulary you have chosen to learn by getting you to match that vocabulary to the correct picture.
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