3 scores max per player; Leaderboard entries are deleted at the end of August each year
Find Latin American Spanish vocabulary in grids of letters...good for improving spelling
With our Word search game for "Transport" you will be learning the Latin American Spanish vocabulary for the topic Transport. The language you will learn is in the vocabulary list below, and consists of 10 Words that name ways of getting around.
1 | el coche | car | |
2 | el autobús | bus | |
3 | el autobús de larga distancia | coach | |
4 | el tren | train | |
5 | el tranvía | tram | |
6 | el metro | underground | |
7 | el taxi | taxi | |
8 | la motocicleta | motorbike | |
9 | la bicicleta | bicycle | |
10 | a pie | on foot | |
This game concentrates on your ability to recognize and spell written Latin American Spanish. Finding Latin American Spanish texts in a grid helps you to recognize what the Latin American Spanish words and sentences look like and starts to teach you Latin American Spanish spelling for this topic vocabulary too. This is a vital skill in mastering basic Latin American Spanish and being able to use it in real life situations.
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