3 scores max per player; Leaderboard entries are deleted at the end of August each year
This is our version of the classic early computer game "Breakout" ( itself a development of the even earlier "Pong" game - we prefer that name ) where a player controls a bar that knocks a ball or puck around the screen.
In our version of Pong/Breakout, there are 3 types of bricks for you to break: green bricks are worth 2 points; yellow bricks are worth 50 points; white bricks which are worth 10 points and result in a Spanish language question for the topic you have chosen.
With our Pong game for "Pets" you will be learning the Spanish vocabulary for the topic Pets. The language you will learn is in the vocabulary list below, and consists of 20 Words that name pet animals people keep.
1 | el gato | cat | |
2 | el perro | dog | |
3 | el conejo | rabbit | |
4 | el hámster | hamster | |
5 | el pez de colores | goldfish | |
6 | el caballo | horse | |
7 | el conejillo de indias | guinea-pig | |
8 | el ratón | mouse | |
9 | el periquito | budgie | |
10 | la tortuga | tortoise | |
11 | el loro | parrot | |
12 | el jerbo | gerbil | |
13 | la serpiente | snake | |
14 | el pez tropical | tropical-fish | |
15 | la rata | rat | |
16 | la araña | spider | |
17 | el caracol | snail | |
18 | el delfín | dolphin | |
19 | el elefante | elephant | |
20 | el dinosaurio | dinosaur | |
You start with 5 lives. If the ball goes below the paddle, a life is lost and you lose 200 points.
The game ends if you you answer all 10 questions or lose all your lives.
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